530. 272.7287 ncadirector@nccn.net
Neighborhood Center of the Arts
Art • Advocacy • Opportunity

200 Litton Dr. #212 Grass Valley CA 95945

530. 272.7287  M-F 9-4

Haley Smith

nca artist haley smith

I am in NCA. I am drawing art with teacher. I have drawings like Red Riding Hood. I am painting with colors. I also draw with colors. I drew an Egyptian lady, little mermaid, and boys and girls in the library. I paint Excalibur and labyrinth and hunchback of Notre Dam, and the Nightmare Before Christmas. We are artists at NCA and my name is Haley Jane Smith. I like coming to NCA and to paint and draw. I like to read at home. I like to use my bow and arrow with my father. We target shoot plastic animals. Practice hunting. I weave and use color purple, red, blue, light blue and that is all. Kris is the weaving teacher. We are working on the look in weaving. I draw and color for a job. I have money when some pay with dollars for art. I like my job.

Click here to purchase prints of these images and more of Haley’s work.


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NCA is a 501c3 non-profit. We receive funding from California Alta Regional Center as well as grants, foundations, business and individuals like you. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.


pencil drawing madonna and child




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