200 Litton Dr. #212 Grass Valley CA 95945
530. 272.7287 M-F 9-4
Bailey Riley
Bailey Riley began attending NCA in 2017 but she’s been an artist since attending kindergarten in Truckee. Working primarily in pencil and watercolor, Bailey’s preferred subjects are realistic landscapes and portraits. She proudly states that she ‘misunderstands abstracts’ but is willing to give them a try.
Bailey likes to sing and dance, draw and paint. She loves art supplies, horseback riding and ‘other stuff’.
More will be added to Bailey’s profile soon, including samples of her work.
NCA is a 501c3 non-profit. We receive funding from California Alta Regional Center as well as grants, foundations, business and individuals like you. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.