530. 272.7287 ncadirector@nccn.net
Neighborhood Center of the Arts
Art • Advocacy • Opportunity

200 Litton Dr. #212 Grass Valley CA 95945

530. 272.7287  M-F 9-4

Monica Hargis

monica hargisI am just a regular person who resides in a wheel chair. Some of my favorite things are sushi, macaroni, boys and reading. I have been going to NCA for a long time. I paint with my fingers, and use the palm of my hand. If you study my paintings you can see the strokes I make with my fingers. I choose my own colors. Depending on my mood I might choose dark colors, bright colors or choose to use both. Most all of my paintings are abstract. I am inspired by anything. I am inspired by words, feelings, other people, and things I did over the weekend. The staff at NCA assists me by holding my left arm while my right arm is tucked in behind me because it likes to do its own thing. The staff supports my ‘good’ arm and then I use my hand, fingers and all, to paint. I layer the colors and when I stop for a break I take a look at what I have done, make a choice to add more color and layers or just say I am done. My new style is popular and I have been selling all of my paintings. Earning money from my art is exciting as well as rewarding. If you haven’t come to visit us at NCA, please do! Come see us in action doing what we love.

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NCA is a 501c3 non-profit. We receive funding from California Alta Regional Center as well as grants, foundations, business and individuals like you. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.


painting by monica hargis
