200 Litton Dr. #212 Grass Valley CA 95945
530. 272.7287 M-F 9-4
Patrick Scudero
I like Neighborhood Center of the Arts, NCA, because I am an artist. I also like it because I like to see how other artists here do their art work. I have learned a lot at NCA. I have learned to listen to my teachers and I have also learned how to use different materials. I am proud because I’ve learned how to follow the rules. Some of the studios I work in are Clay, Woodworking, and Visual Arts. I like to work in the wood shop. I like to make birdhouses, and CD racks. For our show, ‘Music Paints’ I made a guitar out of wood. When I paint I like to paint animals and when I work in clay I like to build cups, bowls, airplanes, and fountains. I like to do happy things like run for Special Olympics, spend time with my family, listen to music, look at pictures, and spend time with my friends. I earn a lot of money through NCA. I earn money when my art work sells. I also earn money by working in NCA’s janitorial work program. I like to save the money I earn at NCA to buy music CD’s. I have many dreams and wishes. One of my dreams is to have my own apartment some day. I would love to live on my own. Another important thing is I am an uncle and this makes me pretty happy.
Patrick’s work is regularly hung in our in-house gallery and featured in group shows throughout the community. He has taken part in theDOWNrightArt Exhibition in New York.
NCA is a 501c3 non-profit. We receive funding from California Alta Regional Center as well as grants, foundations, business and individuals like you. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.

Van Gogh's Cafe
