200 Litton Dr. #212 Grass Valley CA 95945
530. 272.7287 M-F 9-4
Rhiannon Richardson
I paint at Neighborhood Arts. Paintings are actually good. I paint sunsets, air craft carriers, and Jedi’s. I use pink, yellow, orange, black, brown and green. I sing in performing arts. Umm… I sing songs… “Left a good job in the city, Working for the man every night and day, Never lost one minute of sleep, Worryin’ bout the way things might have been, Big wheel keep on turnin’, Proud Mary keep on burnin’, Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’ on the river….” I got it! Yay! I like air craft carriers, Laura R, Amee, and all my teachers. I like my friends Kandy and Chad. We work here and get PAYCHECKS! OH MY GOSH! I like paychecks! They make me excited. I like to make money. Come see art!
NCA is a 501c3 non-profit. We receive funding from California Alta Regional Center as well as grants, foundations, business and individuals like you. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.

